Strawberry Shortcake and the California Strawberry Festival
When I was a kid I loved Strawberry Shortcake. I had my own dolls and watched the cartoon all the time and to this day the gal holds a soft spot in my heart. So when I was asked to visit the CA Strawberry Festival on behalf of Strawberry Shortcake (disclosure: I received free admission and gift cards), I just had to say yes.
The CA Strawberry Festival is located in the seaside town of Oxnard, CA – the strawberry capital of California. I had never visited it before and had no idea what to expect. What I found was an amazingly organized event chock full of fun goodies like rides, food, shopping, food, and Strawberry Shortcake (both the gal and the dessert).
Now I could say I rode the rides and shopped for wares but I’d be lying. It was the strawberry festival and I wanted my strawberries in any shape or form. Luckily I had lots of options.
Where to begin? My family decided to grab a smorgasbord and share, share, share.
Crepes, trip tip sandwich, and deep fried strawberries were a few of the items we tried. Everything was so yummy! But we made sure to save room for the main event – the build your own strawberry shortcake.
What can I say? We love whipped cream.
Throughout the day the booth also held strawberry shortcake building contests. We caught one and who should we spy in the audience?
Why it’s Strawberry Shortcake! That gal’s got good taste.
Sounds ever so much more fun than the Garlic Festival they have in northern California. I’ve never been to either, but I’m “just sayin’.” Oh and I like the way you apply whipped cream!