Dapper Day at Disneyland

So I rambled on and on about Dapper Day for a week on this here blog. Last Sunday the day finally came and off I went to Disneyland. You know how you can build up an event in your head and as the day grows closer you get more and more excited until you figure that you can be nothing but disappointed because there’s no way it’s going to be as great as you thought it would be? Well…

That totally DIDN’T happen! Dapper Day was awesome! It was a beautiful day, the park was filled with scads of nattily dressed guys and gals, and the setting was perfection. I loved every minute of it and can’t wait until the next one. I also learned that walking around Disneyland in a skirt is not so bad. The more you know.

So, rather than ramble on and on until you start to think “I get it. You loved it. Can we talk about something else now?” I’m just going to share some pics of the fabulous day. Enjoy!

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