And the Oscar goes to…

Who cares really? In about a month’s time we’ll forget who was nominated anyway. But there is one thing that I would like to thank the Academy for and that is the awesome public programs it provides. About 10 years ago I discovered that the Oscar headquarters held a rotating schedule of exhibits that were…wait for it…FREE. Since that discovery I have made a point of regularly visiting and have seen everything from recreated film sets to costumes to film artifacts to yes, actual Oscars (which, surprisingly, I could not find a link for). It is a must visit for any movie fan, be it a casual observer or an aficionado. But wait! There’s more! Not only does the Academy provide amazing exhibits free of charge, it also has a regular schedule of events with an average admission price of $5. Whether it’s a film screening or a symposium, you’re sure to find something that strikes your fancy. So head on down to Beverly Hills (who’d of thunk that’d be a bargain destination) and enjoy some of the treasures from the Academy’s vault.

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
8949 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Tuesday – Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday: Noon to 6 p.m
Closed Monday

There are a few parking meters on Wilshire and the Academy does provide parking for the special events. I do NOT recommend parking in the surrounding neighborhood as it is permit only and they do ticket (I know from experience).

Ahhh, life in the metropolis…

Totally expensive. Which, as a confirmed cheapskate, can be frustrating. Very frustrating.. But if there’s anything I’ve learned in my years as a bargain hunter, it’s that there are deals to be had out there. Oh yes, my faithful reader, there are deals larger than […]

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